Mini Desserts For The Wedding Reception


Dessert bars are the new wedidng craze that has everyone's sweet tooth throbbing!

More and more couples have been venturing out into the dessert world and creating an all you can eat buffet style dessert bar for their guests. The best part of these sweet treats is they're mini sized which allows you to try a little of everything and sometimes even take some home. 

Maybe you have thought about having a dessert bar but are not sure if it's right for your wedding? We have some insider tips on why you should choose a dessert bar.

1. Variety: Let's admit it not all of us love the exact same things as our partner. A dessert bar will solve all of your differences! If you love sour and your partner loves sweet, you can have the best of both worlds! Not to mention you can cater to all of your guests favorites as well by providing a little bit of everything. 

2. Have your cake and eat it too: We mean, have your cake and a dessert bar too! Many people think you have to have one or the other and decide to opt out of the dessert bar so they can have the classic cake cutting pictures. Well we say you can do both! Instead of getting a multi tier cake, buy a smaller one just for photos and tradition.

3. Multi-purpose: Often times the dessert bar doubles as a focal point of the reception because of the many ways in which you can design it. Also, you can provide small bags for your guests to take home some sweets as a part of their favors. 

Now that you're convinced to have this sweet treat at your wedding, we would like to wish you Happy Planning! :) 

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